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Each year we have a group of amazing individual members that contribute to every aspect of our chapter's success.
The Executive Committee and Chairwomen work diligently and share aspects of individual skill and goals throughout the year to contribute to our chapter in many ways. Together as a team, Phi Mu members can strengthen connections, skills, and leadership to gain experience for their future.
Check out our current team members below!
Phi Mu has won and placed in multiple Greek life events at the University of Washington! We are proud to have been the sorority with the highest participation in the 2017 All-Greek Study Slam. We were recently awarded 3rd place in Alpha Sigma Phi's Rose Queen Philanthropy, benefitting Seattle Children's Hospital, in which our chapter helped raise over $1,000 in donations.
We are very passionate about volunteering, and below lists some of the organizations our members currently work with!
★ Seattle Children's Hospital
★ Habitat for Humanity
★ The Orca Run
★ Teen Feed
★ STEMinist & Huskies for Kids
★ Hui Holoha'Ulana
★ Camp Kesem

Academic Excellence is a top priority for Phi Mu. Phi Mu Foundation awards over $200,000 annually in graduate and undergraduate scholarships. In addition, each semester Phi Mu nationally recognizes members who strive for and achieve a 4.0 semester GPA with the presentation of a silver scholarship charm.
Chapters who receive the highest GPA are recognized each biennium at Phi Mu's national convention. Phi Mu Chapters are expected to exceed the all-women’s grade point average on their campus. Those who meet the challenge are recognized for their accomplishment in several ways, including coverage in our magazine.
Our Academic Excellence Chairwoman continuously comes up with fun incentives to motivate sisters. Additionally, at the end of every quarter, there is an Academic Banquet held for sisters who have upheld a 3.5 and above grade point average. Sisters are constantly promoting academic excellence, motivating each other, and providing support and guidance at all times. Our house offers a study room in which sisters can study in the comfort of their own home and have easy access to our academic resources.
We have sisters pursuing a broad spectrum of majors and minors, from Engineering to Computer Science and Business to Psychology. Many members of Phi Mu are on the Dean’s List repeatedly, as well as members of honor societies at UW. We encourage and promote academic excellence to the highest standard. This past Winter Quarter 2022, the Eta Beta Chapter had 70 members on the University of Washington's Dean's List.
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